The Learning Platform

Your learning journey

Our TOOL Champ, shown on the left side, is an innovative business simulation based on eight individual modules and a foundation of practical experience. Learners are guided through the various islands, which fit together like building blocks to form a comprehensive understanding of business management processes: Market Analysis and Competition, Business Model, Ambitions and Goals, Processes and Projects, Human Resource Management, Finance, and Communication and Controlling. Each of these modules is complemented by our extensive Learning Library, which provides a variety of additional resources such as podcasts, videos, checklists, documents and more to deepen the understanding and application of the content.

In the business simulation, learners are challenged to make decisions based on a realistic business case that have a direct impact on the company's operations. Depending on these decisions, the virtual company develops successfully or less successfully. At the end of the business case, a detailed management report is generated that reflects on the decisions made and highlights the strengths and development areas of the participants.

Our skills model focuses on what we believe to be the most essential fundamentals of business administration and corporate management, based on years of experience. We present the learning content in an exciting, interactive and gamified way and make complex concepts easy to understand - true to our motto: Business Simply Understood.

Your Learning Outcome


On our learning platform, the entrepreneurial essentials of business administration are comprehensively taught, the interaction of operations, strategy, processes and much more for the management of companies worked out properly.

Our modular system offers learning content for the training of employees and managers in a focused and at the same time entertaining way.

Our content is aimed at companies of all sizes and industries.

Our business game, the podcasts, videos and much more convey specialist knowledge, methodological and finance skills that are central to corporate management.


Your Benefit

1. Learning content at the point
Our learning content combines technical and methodological knowledge that can be directly implemented in any organization.

2. User-friendly learning software
Our toolbox is specifically designed for employee training and supported with elements of gamification.

3. Cost-efficient access to top content

4. Permanent availability of new content
Benefit from new learning content that is regularly developed and available on the platform.

5. Book an experienced business coach
Use digital content and get coached by an experienced business trainer if needed.

6. Especially for our partners: save time!
As a partner, use the learning content for your training and save the time-consuming development of your own content. It couldn't be easier!

Our Target Groups & Customers


As a manager, do you want to be an effective, productive, and successful leader for your company?

Efficiency, productivity, and effectiveness are topics that should be promoted within companies!

Choose the relevant topics for your needs - according to your preferences!


As a lecturer, do you want to make your teaching more interesting and engaging?

Do you want to convey the overall contexts of business management in a more coherent and entertaining way to your students?

If you want to enrich your teaching with exciting use cases or learning checklists, then our university toolkit is the perfect solution.

Premium Partners

We offer our innovative program to competent training organizations that are involved in the education and development of executives.

We collaborate with companies that can conscientiously implement our methods and programs with customers because they have a reputation and professional expertise in the market. We are happy to work with great and strong partners!

Price Models & Onboarding


"Dive into business administration and get fit for the challenges in your company."

From € 99,00 per user p.a



"An experienced business coach gives your team further useful input. Process the transfer of knowledge into your organization."

From € 450,00 per unit


ALL-IN PACKAGE FOR PARTNERS - Conditions on request

 ALL-IN PACKAGE FOR UNIVERSITIES - Conditions on request



6 steps - this is how easy it is:

1. Exchange your needs with us and let us advise you.

2. Choose the program format (digital or blended learning).

3. Coordination of the Business Coach if envolved.

4. Setting up access to the learning platform and tutorials.

5. Webinar on using the learning platform.

6. And let's go!

Demo access

We are pleased to offer you free demo access to our digital simulation TOOL Champ. The demo version gives you an insight into one of the 8 learning modules, namely the market analysis. It gives you a preview of what the full version has to offer. You can also get to know the Business Library - all for free!

To request demo access data, please contact us via the contact form on the website. See you soon!

Exemplary Customers

The E-Learning Group is a successfully established online education group in Austria and Germany, offering a wide range of study programs. In collaboration with German universities, certificates are issued for the online courses completed.

Serious Games.Studio® supports ELG with a custom-tailored learning solution.


Serious Games.Studio®s Challenge

Gamified learning content from Serious Games.Studio® is provided as part of the master training programs offered by ELG. Individual simulation games are integrated into modules and utilized by students, making the learning of business administration content more efficient.

Serious Games.Studio® is considered a loyal supplier and partner of ELG.

Serious Games.Studio®s Offer

Serious Games.Studio® develops specific learning content for collaboration with ELG, such as tutorials, checklists, podcasts, videos, and much more, to provide students with insights into practical business administration. The content is tailored individually to ELG.

Serious Games.Studio® creates custom learning content for students at ELG.

The Lohberger Group is a kitchen equipment group successfully established in Austria and Germany, which designs, assembles, and sets up kitchens in various forms for upscale restaurants. In this extensive range of offerings, many processes are involved where Serious Games.Studio® comes into play.

SeriousGames.Studio supports the training, further education, and development of teams in the customer process and assists in optimizing the control process through learning impulses.



Serious Games.Studio®s Challenge

In order to generate the best possible output for Lohberger in terms of sales performance, Serious Games.Studio® supports the processes and works on optimizing them. Unified solutions are developed in collaboration with the company, ensuring smooth implementation.

Serious Games.Studio® is considered a loyal supplier and partner of Lohberger.


Serious Games.Studio®s Offer

Serious Games.Studio® is developing an extensive business library for Lohberger, which includes tutorials, checklists, podcasts, videos, and much more. This is done to make everyday tasks easier for employees and to establish uniform procedures within the company.

Serious Games.Studio® creates customized content for Lohberger employees.

Frequently Asked Questions

The learning tools are suitable for which industries and company sizes?
The learning content is basically ideal for all industries and company sizes because we teach and train the principles of business administration.
What level of learning is offered?
The different learning formats (business game, checklists, business cases and handouts) offer different perspectives on the topics and are designed for beginners as well as for managers.
For how long can the learning content be accessed?
The content is available for 1 year after registration as a customer. It doesn't matter whether you book our content in an analogue, hybrid or digital format.
Do I need a coach to learn the the business content?
The content is suitable as such for self-study. Nevertheless, some like to have a trainer onboard. We are happy to provide you with this service as well.
How do I benefit as a professional training organization or a professor at a university?
You can use our learning content for your company or the university you are engaged at.

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